•English Vocabulary : Synonim, Antonym, dan Contoh Kalimat - CPBI
English Vocabulary : Synonim, Antonym, dan Contoh Kalimat - Kita semua tahu bahwa Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan oleh seluruh orang didunia, itu sebabnya bahasa inggris dijadikan sebagai bahasa internasional. Belajar bahasa inggris bisa dibilang adalah hal yang cukup penting, baik untuk para siswa atau pun untuk masyarakat umum. Nah situs Cepat Paham Bahasa Inggris (CPBI) adalah salah satu media pembelajaran bahasa inggris online yang bisa diakses secara gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mengenal lebih jauh tentang seluk beluk bahasa inggris.
Kami mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang English Vocabulary : Synonim, Antonym, dan Contoh Kalimat. Tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Jika demikian adanya, maka tidak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Baiklah tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
Kami mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang English Vocabulary : Synonim, Antonym, dan Contoh Kalimat. Tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Jika demikian adanya, maka tidak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Baiklah tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
Ulasan Lengkap English Vocabulary : Synonim, Antonym, dan Contoh Kalimat
English Vocabulary : Synonim, Antonym, dan Contoh Kalimat – Hai Sahabat SBI, Kali ini admin akan memberikan lagi Kosakata Bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk tabel beserta arti, cara pengucapan, sinonim, antonim dan contoh kalimat. Semoga bermanfaat buat SBI dirumah.
No. | Target Words(Spelling) | Meaning | Class | Pronunciation | Syllable | Synonym | Antonym | Use in Sentences |
1 | Ability | Kemampuan | Noun | /ə’biliti/ | 4 | Capability | Inability | I shall do the job to the best of my ability. |
2 | Able | Mampu | Adj | /’eibəl/ | 1 | Capable | Incapable | She was able to open the door. |
3 | Abroad | Di Luar Negeri | Adv | /ə’brɔ:d/ | 2 | Overseas | Internal of the country | She lived abroad for many years. |
4 | Absent | Mangkir | Adj | /ӕb’sent/ | 2 | Not Present | Present | Johnny was absent from school with a cold. |
5 | Absolute | Mutlak | Adj | /’ӕbsəlu:t/ | 3 | Complete | Abstract | He talks with absolute honesty. |
6 | Accept | Menerima | Verb | /ək’sept/ | 2 | Get | Deny | He accepted the gift yesterday. |
7 | Accident | Kecelakaan | Noun | /’ӕksidənt/ | 3 | Mishap | – | There has been a road accident. |
8 | Accompany | Menyertai | Verb | /ə’kʌmpəni/ | 4 | Attend | Not attend | He accompanied her to the door. |
9 | Accomplish | Menyelesaikan | Verb | /ə’kʌmpliʃ/ | 3 | Finish | Unfinished | Have you accomplished your task? |
10 | According to | Menurut | Prep | /ə’kɔ:diɳ’tu:/ | 4 | Told by | – | According to John, the bank closes at 3 p.m. |
11 | Account | Rekening Bank | Noun | /ə’kəunt/ | 2 | Financial Credits | – | I have an account with local bank. |
12 | Accustom | Membiasakan | Verb | /ə’kʌstəm/ | 3 | Familiarize | Inhabit | He soon accustomed himself to the idea. |
13 | Acre | Ukuran Tanah | Noun | /’eikə/ | 2 | – | – | The land usually formatted with acre. |
14 | Act | Berbuat | Noun | /ӕkt/ | 1 | Commit | Uncommitted | He committed many cruel acts. |
15 | Active | Aktif | Adj | /’ӕktiv/ | 2 | Lively | Inactive | At seventy, he is no longer very active. |
16 | Activity | Kegiatan | Noun | /ӕk’tiviti/ | 3 | Action | Inactivity | The streets are full of activity this morning. |
17 | Actual | Riil | Adj | /’ӕktʃuəl/ | 3 | Real | Unreal | In actual fact, he is not as stupid as you think he is. |
18 | Add | Menambahkan | Verb | / æd/ | 1 | – | Decrease | She added sugar to her tea. |
19 | Address | Alamat | Noun | /ə’dres/ | 2 | – | – | Her address on Pagar Alam street number 2, Bandar Lampung. |
20 | Admire | Mengagumi | Verb | /ӕd’mairər/ | 2 | – | – | I’ve just been admiring you. |
21 | Admit | Mengakui | Verb | /əd’mit/ | 2 | Confess | Undeclared | It must be admitted that the defeat was decisive. |
22 | Adopt | Mengangkat(anak) | Verb | /ə’dapt/ | 2 | – | – | They decide to adopt a little girl. |
23 | Advance | Di muka | Adj | /əd’vɑ:ns/ | 2 | Go forward | – | An advance payment. |
24 | Advantage | Keuntungan | Noun | /æd’væntij/ | 3 | Benefit | Disadvantages | There are several advantages in being self-employed. |
25 | Adventure | Petualangan | Noun | /əd’ventʃe(r)/ | 3 | Escapade | – | He wrote a book about his adventures in the Antarctic. |
26 | Advice | Nasihat | Noun | /əd’vais/ | 2 | Counsel | – | Let me give you a piece of advice. |
27 | Advise | Menasehati | Verb | /əd’vaiz/ | 2 | Give advice | Unadvised | My lawyer advises me to buy the house. |
28 | Affair | Keadaan | Noun | /ə’fɛə(r)/ | 2 | Situation | – | As affairs now stand, there isn’t much we can do. |
29 | Affect | Mempengaruhi | Adv | /ə’fekt/ | 2 | Influence | Uninfluenced | His kidneys have been affected by the disease. |
30 | Afford | Mampu | /ə’fɔ:d/ | 2 | Able | Unable | I can’t afford to buy a new car. | |
31 | Afraid | Takut | Adj | /ə’freid/ | 2 | Frightened | Unafraid | The child is not afraid of the dark. |
32 | Afternoon | Petang | Noun | /ӕftər’nuwn/ | 3 | – | – | She works for us three afternoons a week. |
33 | Afterward | Sesudah itu | Adv | /’ӕftərwərdz/ | 3 | – | – | He told me afterwards that he had not enjoyed the film. |
34 | Again | Lagi | Adv | /ə’gen/ | 2 | – | – | He hit the child again and again. |
35 | Age | Umur | Noun | /eij/ | 1 | – | – | She went to school at the age of six years. |
36 | Agent | Wakil | Noun | /’eijənt/ | 2 | – | – | He is an agent for an insurance company. |
37 | Agree | Setuju | Verb | /ə’grie/ | 2 | Acquiesce | Disagree | I agree with them that we should try again. |
38 | Agriculture | Pertanian | Noun | /’ӕgrikʌltce(r)/ | 4 | Farming | – | She is studying agriculture. |
39 | Ahead | Di depan | Adv | /ə’head/ | 2 | In front | Back of | |
40 | Aid | Bantuan | Noun | /eid/ | 1 | Help | Not aid | Rich countries give aid to developing countries. |
41 | Aim | Tujuan | Noun | /eim/ | 1 | Cause | – | What is the aim from this exercise? |
42 | Air | Udara | Noun | /ӕr/ | 1 | – | – | Mountain air is pure. |
43 | Airplane | Pesawat Terbang | Noun | /ɛəplein/ | 2 | Aircraft | – | He goes to America by airplane. |
44 | Airport | Bandar Udara | Noun | /’ӕr’powrt/ | 2 | – | – | My father arrived in airport at 3 o’clock. |
45 | Alarm | Tanda Bahaya | Noun | /əlarm/ | 2 | – | – | We didn’t share her alarm at the suggestion. |
46 | Alike | Mirip | Adj | /ə’laik/ | 2 | Similar | Different | Twins are often very alike. |
47 | Alive | Hidup | Adj | /ə’laiv/ | 2 | Living | Dead | Queen Victoria was still alive in 1900. |
48 | Allow | Memperboleh-kan | Verb | /ə’lau/ | 2 | Let | Prevent | Playing football in the street is not allowed. |
49 | Alone | Sendiri | Adv | / ə’ləun/ | 2 | Itself | Together | She lived alone. |
50 | in total | Keseluruhan | Adv | /ɔ:ltə’geðə(r)/ | 4 | Over all | Partly | I’m not altogether satisfied. |
51 | Always | Selalu | Adv | /ɔlweiz/ | 2 | Ever | Never | I always work hard. |
52 | Ambition | Ambisi | Noun | /ӕm’biʃ(ə)n/ | 3 | Aspiration | – | He is full of ambition and energy. |
53 | Amount | Banyaknya | Noun | /ə’maunt/ | 2 | Quantity | – | A large amount of money in the bank. |
54 | Amuse | Membuat Tertawa | Verb | /ə’mju:z/ | 2 | Entertain | Bore | I was amused at the monkey’s antics. |
55 | Ancient | Kuno | Adj | /’einʃənt/ | 2 | Antique | New | This is an ancient piece of furniture. |
56 | Anger | Kemarahan | Noun | /’ӕɳgə(r)/ | 2 | Fury | – | She was filled with anger about the way she been treated. |
57 | Angry | Marah | Adj | /ӕnggri/ | 2 | Glowering | – | She is angry with him. |
58 | Animal | Hewan | Noun | /’ӕnəməl/ | 3 | – | – | There are many animals in zoo. |
59 | Ankle | Mata Kaki | Noun | /’ӕɳk(ə)l/ | 2 | – | – | She has broken her ankle. |
60 | Announce | Mengumumkan | Verb | /ə’nauns/ | 2 | Broadcast | Unpublished | Mary and John have announced their engagement. |
61 | Answer | Jawaban | Noun | /’ӕnsər/ | 2 | Reply | Question | She refused to give an answer to his questions. |
62 | Anxious | Resah | Adj | /’ӕɳkʃəs/ | 2 | Worried | Unworried | She is anxious about her father’s health. |
63 | Apart | Terpisah | Adv | /ə’pɑ:t/ | 2 | Not together | Together | She sat apart from other people. |
64 | Apartment | Apartemen | Noun | /ə’partment/ | 3 | – | – | My uncle lived in apartment. |
65 | Apparent | Jelas Terlihat | Adj | /ə’pӕrənt/ | 3 | Visible | Invisible | It is apparent that they didn’t understand. |
66 | Appeal | Seruan | Noun | /ə’pi:l/ | 2 | Plea | – | He gives us an appeal before we go to vacation. |
67 | Appear | Tampak | Verb | /ə’piə(r)/ | 2 | Emerge | Out of sight | A man suddenly appeared round the corner. |
68 | Appearance | Kemunculan | Noun | /ə’piərəns/ | 3 | Emergence | – | From his appearance he seemed very wealthy. |
69 | Apple | Apel | Noun | /’ӕpəl/ | 2 | – | – | My sister was ate 2 apple. |
70 | Application | Lamaran | Noun | /ӕpli’keiʃ(ə)n/ | 4 | – | – | The syllabus can be obtained on application to the headmaster. |
71 | Apply | Memakai | Verb | /ə’plai/ | 2 | Wear | Unapplied | I suggest you apply the familiar rule of thumb to your problem. |
72 | Appoint | Mengangkat | Verb | /ə’pɔint/ | 2 | Employ | Unemployed | They have appointed a new manager. |
73 | Approach | Kedatangan | Noun | /ə’prəutʃ/ | 2 | Come near | – | The boys ran off at the approach of a policeman. |
74 | Approve | Menyetujui | Verb | /ə’pru:v/ | 2 | Agree | Disagree | Your application has been approved. |
75 | Arch | Lengkungan | Noun | /ɑ:tʃ/ | 1 | Curve | – | Arch of the instep. |
76 | Area | Luas daerah | Noun | /’ɛəriə/ | 3 | District | – | This garden is twelve square meters in area. |
77 | Argue | Bertengkar | Verb | /ɑ: gju: / | 2 | Fight | – | I’m not going to argue. |
78 | Arm | Lengan | Noun | /ɑ:m/ | 1 | Limb | – | She has broken both her arms. |
79 | Army | Tentara | Noun | /’ɑ:mi/ | 2 | Military | – | The two armies met at dawn. |
80 | Arrange | Menyusun | Verb | /ə’reindӡ/ | 2 | Organize | – | He arranged the flowers in a vase. |
81 | Arrest | Penangkapan | Noun | /ə’rest/ | 2 | Catch | The police made several arrests. | |
82 | Arrival | Kedatangan | Noun | /ə’raiv(ə)l/ | 3 | Coming | Departure | I was greeted by my sister on my arrival. |
83 | Arrive | Sampai | Verb | /ə’raiv/ | 2 | Come | Go | The parcel arrived yesterday. |
84 | Arrow | Anak panah | Noun | /’ӕrəu/ | 2 | Dart | – | The king shot a deer with an arrow. |
85 | Art | Seni | Noun | /art/ | 1 | Craft | – | My brother studying art at school. |
86 | Article | Artikel | Noun | /’aetəkəl/ | 3 | Piece of writing | – | This shop sells articles of all kinds. |
87 | Ash | Abu | Noun | /ӕʃ/ | 1 | Cinders | – | The ashes of the bonfire. |
88 | Ashamed | Malu | Adj | /ə’ʃeimd/ | 2 | Embarrassed | Unashamed | He was ashamed of his bad work. |
89 | Aside | Ke (di) sisi | Noun | /ə’said/ | 2 | Sideways | In front of | |
90 | Ask | Bertanya | Verb | /ӕsk/ | 1 | – | Answer | She asked me what the time was. |
91 | Asleep | Tidur | Adj | /ə’sli:p/ | 2 | Sleeping | Get up | She was asleep when I called. |
92 | Assist | Bantuan | Noun | /ə’sist/ | 2 | Aid | Hinder | He received an assist when his tire went flat. |
93 | Associate | Kolega | Noun | /ə’sowsyieit/ | 4 | Combine | Enemy | He is an associate of mine at the office. |
94 | Assume | Menganggap | Verb | /ə’sju:m/ | 2 | Suppose | – | I assume that you’d like time to decide. |
95 | Assure | Menjamin | Verb | /ə’ʃuə/ | 2 | Swear | Unsure | I assured her that the house was empty. |
96 | Astonish | Mengherankan | Verb | /ə’stɔniʃ/ | 3 | Surprise | Unsurprised | I was astonished by his ignorance. |
97 | Attack | Menyerang | Noun | /ə’tӕk/ | 2 | Assault | – | The brutal attack killed the old man. |
98 | Attempt | Usaha | Noun | /ə’tempt/ | 2 | Try | Untried | They failed in their attempt to climb Everest. |
99 | Attend | Menghadiri | Verb | /ə’tend/ | 2 | Present | Unattended | She attended the meeting. |
100 | Attention | Perhatian | Noun | /ə’tensyən/ | 3 | Care | – | She tried to attract my attention. |
101 | Attitude | Sikap | Noun | /’ӕtətuwd/ | 3 | Manner | – | Attitude is the first in a peace life. |
102 | Audience | Hadirin | Noun | /’ɔ:diəns/ | 3 | Viewer | – | The audience at the concert. |
103 | Aunt | Bibi | Noun | /ant/ | 1 | – | – | The child went to the circus with her favorite aunt. |
104 | Author | Pengarang | Noun | /’ɔ:ɵə/ | 2 | Creator | – | He used to be a well-known author but his books are out of print now. |
105 | Authority | Wewenang | Noun | /ɔ:ɵɔriti/ | 4 | Power | – | She gave me authority to act on her behalf. |
106 | Automobile | Mobil | Noun | /’ɔ:təməbi:l/ | 4 | Car | – | He works in automobile shop. |
107 | Autumn | Musim gugur | Noun | /’ɔ:təm/ | 2 | Fall | – | We plan to leave for Europe early in the autumn. |
108 | Avenue | Jalan raya | Noun | /’ӕvənju:/ | 3 | Road | The avenue will finish in 2013. | |
109 | Average | Rata-rata | Adj | /’ӕvərij/ | 3 | – | – | The average temperature for the week. |
110 | Avoid | Menghindari | Verb | /ə’vɔid/ | 2 | Keep away from | – | He drove carefully to avoid the holes in the road. |
111 | Awake | Bangun | Verb | /ə’weik/ | 2 | Get up | Sleep | She was awoken by a noise. |
112 | Away | Jauh | Adv | /ə’wei/ | 2 | Afar | Around | He lives three miles away from the town. |
113 | Awful | Buruk | Adj | /’ɔ:ful/ | 2 | Terrible | Good | This is awful accident. |
114 | Baby | Bayi | Noun | /’beibie/ | 2 | Infant | – | Some babies cry during the night. |
115 | Back | Belakang | Noun | /bӕk/ | 1 | – | – | Your shirt at the back door. |
116 | Backward | Ke belakang | Adj | /’bӕkwəd/ | 2 | He left without a backward glance. | ||
117 | Bad | Buruk | Adj | /bӕd/ | 1 | Deplorable | Good | He is a bad boy. |
118 | Bag | Tas | Noun | /b æg/ | 1 | Case | – | I bought new bag yesterday. |
119 | Bake | Memanggang | Verb | /beik/ | 1 | Roast | – | I am going to bake bread today. |
120 | Balance | Keseimbangan | Noun | /bӕləns/ | 2 | Poise | – | You must keep balance weight of your body. |
121 | Ball | Bola | Noun | /bɔl/ | 1 | Sphere | – | My brother bought a ball in market. |
122 | Band | Kelompok orang | Noun | /bӕnd/ | 1 | Group | Alone | My brother has a band. |
123 | Bank | Bank | Noun | //bӕngk/ | 1 | – | – | The bank is not far from here. |
124 | Bar | Batangan | Noun | /bɑ:/ | 1 | Rod | – | Iron bars on the windows. |
125 | Barber | PemangkasRambut | Noun | /’bɑ:bə/ | 2 | – | – | My brother usually cut his hair with a barber. |
126 | Bare | Terbuka | Adj | /bɛə/ | 1 | Naked | Covered | This is a bare book. |
127 | Bargain | Persetujuan | Noun | /’bɑ:gin/ | 2 | Good deal | Rip-off | They make a bargain. |
128 | Bark | Menggonggong | Noun | /bɑ:k/ | 1 | Yap | Silent | The dog was bark last night. |
129 | Barrel | Tong | Noun | /’bӕrəl/ | 2 | Drum | – | The barrels contain beer. |
130 | Base | Dasar | Adj | /beis/ | 1 | Bottom | Top | He studies in the level base. |
131 | Basis | Landasan | Noun | /’beisis/ | 2 | Foundation | – | This idea is the basis of my argument. |
132 | Basket | Keranjang | Noun | /’bɑ:skit/ | 2 | Hamper | – | She carried a large basket. |
133 | Bath | Mandi | Noun | /bɑ:ɵ/ | 1 | – | – | I usually take a bath at 5 o’clock. |
134 | Bathe | Memandikan | Verb | /beið/ | 1 | Wash | – | She bathes her dog every day. |
135 | Battle | Bertempur | Noun | /’bӕtl/ | 2 | Fight | – | The last battle of the war. |
136 | Bay | Teluk | Noun | /bei/ | 1 | Cove | – | She likes to see the bay every Sunday. |
137 | Beach | Pantai | Noun | /bi:tʃ/ | 1 | Coast | – | Children love playing on the beach. |
138 | Beam | Sinar | Noun | /bi:m/ | 1 | Ray | – | The sun is beaming this afternoon. |
139 | Bean | Buncis | Noun | /bi:n/ | 1 | – | – | My mother was bought some beans. |
140 | Bear | Manahan | Verb | /bɛə/ | 1 | Tolerate | – | I could not bear it if she left. |
141 | Beard | Janggut | Noun | /biəd/ | 1 | Whisker | – | Old goat has the beard. |
142 | Beast | Binatang | Noun | /bi:st/ | 1 | Animal | – | There are beasts of the jungle. |
143 | Beat | Memukul | Verb | /bi:t/ | 1 | Hit | – | They beat of the drum. |
144 | Beauty | Cantik | Adj | /bju:ti/ | 2 | Lovely | Ugly | The scenery is very beauty. |
145 | Become | Menjadi | Adv | /bɪ’kʌm/ | 2 | – | – | She became a doctor. |
146 | Bed | TempatTidur | Noun | /bed/ | 1 | – | – | My father was bought a new bed. |
147 | Bee | Lebah | Noun | /bi:/ | 1 | Wasp | – | Bee usually produces much honey. |
148 | Beg | Memohon | Noun | /beg/ | 1 | Request | Give | The old man was so poor that he had to beg in the street. |
149 | Begin | Memulai | Verb | /bi’gin/ | 2 | Start | Finished | He began to talk. |
150 | Belief | Kepercayaan | Noun | /bɪ’li:f/ | 2 | Confidence | Unbelief | I have no belief in his ability. |
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