•Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses - CPBI
Kami mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses. Tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Jika demikian adanya, maka tidak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Baiklah tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
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1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses
https://ift.tt/OZsutQUngin berlatih soal-soal grammar online lewat internet? Belajar aja di SBI. Pelajari soal-soal dibawah ini:

Name : ____________________
- The building is hidden ….. some trees.
- on
- at
- to
- which
- by
- Professor Patrick has translated many English books …. from Indonesia.
- for
- with
- into
- after
- to
- My mother was so angry that he did not even look …. me.
- for
- at
- into
- in
- on
- The public library has …. books than our school library.
- must
- more
- many
- much
- So much
- Are there …. things to do before we leave?
- many more
- much more
- more of many
- very many
- few only of
- He is …. than I am.
- more happy
- most happy
- happier
- happiest
- the more happy
- “if I taught the class, I …. give tests”, Ann said.
- wouldn’t
- will not
- will not to
- would to not
- shall
- I could fly home if I …. a bird.
- was
- were
- is
- has being
- has been
- Water will freeze if the temperature …. below 00
- gone
- went
- is going
- goes
- going
- We were still eating our dinner when the visitor…
- arrived
- were arrived
- arriving
- had arrive
- have arrived
- As I …. crossing the street, two cars went by at full speed.
- am
- is
- were
- was
- had
- Sam is not eating his food. He …. be hungry
- must not
- may
- must have been
- can not
- must to
1. ‘When I called Jane at home there was no answer; She might have gone to school’ The underlined words mean ….
- It is clear that she went to school
- I am sure that she has gone to school
- It is not likely that she will go to school
- It is possible that she has gone to school
- I don’t think that she has gone to school
2.’I could have somebody else to carry that box’ means ….
- I carried that box
- Somebody else carried that box
- I asked somebody to carry that box
- I would ask somebody to carry that box
- I don’t want to carry the box
3.My brother …. to write a letter last month.
- is used
- can
- dare to
- used
- will
4.Excuse me. I didn’t understand …. you …. repeating what you said?
- would, mind
- must, for
- could,like
- would, like
- can, mind
5.Nina asked me, “why did those visitors leave so early?”
Nina asked me why the visitors …. so early.
- have been leaving up
- have left
- had left
- leaving
- lack not
6.“Don’t lock your door!”, my mother asks.
My mother asks me …. my door.
- to not lock
- not to lock
- to lock
- lock to
- lock not to
7.Prabu: “Ratu, are you going to let me go without you?”
It means :
- Prabu asked whether Ratu is going to him go without her.
- Prabu asked Ratu to let him go without me
- Prabu told Ratu that she was going to let him go without her
- Prabu asked Ratu if she was going to let Ratu go without him.
- Prabu asked if she was going to let Ratu go without him
9.…. in the demonstration.
- I ordered them to not become involved
- I ordered not to become involved to them
- I ordered them not to become involved
- I ordered to them become not involved
- I ordered become not involved to them
10.“Since when hasn’t she called you?”
“Since she …. from Surabaya.”
- returned
- has returned
- was returning
- had returned
- has been returning
11.Who do you …. Will win the match?
- think
- had think
- thinks
- thinking
- thought
12.A strong wind …. down a few rubber trees yesterday
- blown
- blowed
- blew
- blowing
- blow
13.We seldom see bats flying …..the day.
- inside
- for
- during
- until
- on to
14.Next week, I …. My old friend in my favourite café.
- will be meeting
- would met
- am meeting
- would have been
- meets
15.She can’t speak Arabic at all, and ….
- he can either
- he cant either
- neither can’t he
- so can’t he
- he can’t too
16.Dewi had brought two magazines and ….
- so did Ella
- neither had Ella
- Ella did too
- Ella does too
- So had Ella
17.Didi works …. than Nunu.
- most careful
- more careful
- more carefully
- most care
- most carefully
18.My young sister is …. of her friends.
- more and more beautiful
- the more beautiful
- the most beautiful
- most beautiful
- more beautiful
19.I have just been aware of the fact that …. you.
- 2 times more smart as
- much more smart than
- much smarter than
- twice sweater than
- twice so smarter as
20.Alis bag …. as Didi’s bag.
- is the same shape
- is likes
- are similar
- is alike
- is same with
21.The …. question is read ….
- good, good
- good, well
- well, good
- well, well,
- best, well
22.Lisa was ….
- real happy
- really happily
- happy happily
- happily really
- really happy
.23Anna washes her plates
- clean
- cleanly
- cleanny
- cleaner
- cleaning
24.My mother …. buys an …. book for me.
- unusually, unusual
- unusual, unusual
- unusual, unusually
- unusually, unusually
- Unusual, usually
Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!
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The post Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses first appeared on SekolahBahasaInggris.com.
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