√Biografi Singkat Jusuf Kalla Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Arti ~ CPBI
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Uraian Lengkap Biografi Singkat Jusuf Kalla Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Arti
Biografi Singkat Jusuf Kalla Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Arti
Halo sobaat IBI..
Pada kesempatan kali ini IBI akan memmbahas tentang biografi salah satu tokoh yang berpengaruh di negri ini, Indonesia. Langsung saja mari kita simakk berikut ini.
Biografi Jusuf Kalla
Mohammad Jusuf Kalla (born May 15, 1942) was the 10th Vice President of Indonesia and Chairman of the Golkar Party in the same period. He was an unsuccessful candidate for the Indonesian presidential election in 2009, and his term expired in October 2009.
His parents were Hadji Kalla, a local businessman and Athirah, a woman who sold Buginese silk for a living. He was the second child out of 17.After completing school, Kalla attended the University of Hasanuddin in Makassar. There, he became active with the Indonesian Student Action Front (KAMI), a student organization which supported General Suharto in his bid to gain power from President Sukarno and was elected as Chairman of its South Sulawesi branch. He also had the beginnings of a political career, becoming a member of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) and Chairman of the Youth Division of Golkar when it still adopted a Joint Secretariat (Sekber) format.(source wikipedia)
In 1967, Kalla graduated from Faculty Economy of Universitas Hasanuddin in Makassar. At the time, the economic situation was still bleak and his father, Hadji contemplated shutting down the family’s enterprise, NV Hadji Kalla. It was here that Kalla decided to enter the business world. Sacrificing his political activism, Kalla became CEO of NV Hadji Kalla in 1968 whilst Hadji became the Company’s Chairman. In the beginning things were hard for Kalla, who only had one employee and his mother had to assist him by trading her silk and running a mini-transportation enterprise which consisted of three buses.
However business improved. Under Kalla’s leadership, NV Hadji Kalla expanded from export imports to the hotel industry, construction, car dealing, bridges, shipping, real estate, transportation, a shrimp farm, oil palm, and telecommunications. In addition to being CEO of NV Hadji Kalla, Kalla was also the CEO for the subsidiaries established under NV Hadji Kalla. In 1977, Kalla graduated from INSEAD, an international business school based in Fontainebleau, south of Paris.
Aside from his business career, Kalla has also been active in various organizations. From 1979 to 1989 he was Chairman of the Indonesian Economics Graduates Association (ISEI) branch in Ujung Pandang and continues to play an advisory role in ISEI. Kalla was extensively involved with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN). From 1985-1998, he was KADIN Chairman for South Sulawesi and at one point was the KADIN Coordinator for Eastern Indonesia . In addition, Kalla is also on the boards of trustees for three universities in Makassar. Kalla has also contributed socially by building the Al Markaz Mosque and becoming chairman of its Islamic centre.
Kalla returned to politics in 1987 when he was appointed to the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) as a regional representative for South Sulawesi. He would be re-appointed to the MPR in 1992, 1997, and 1999.
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